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I have observed throughout the years that many clients at Trade Shows will walk down the aisle and shy away from looking at booths because they are afraid to be called over or be sold too. Here is a way to naturally engage your client.



Visuals or Graphics help to attract the client. So one must ensure that the main graphics that is designed for your booth attracts attention. You want the client to look your way basically and even come into the booth for a closer look.






An example of London’s “So To Bed” Company poster

Ok so now you attracted the client, what now?


This is where it helps to know what problem your potential client is trying to solve. An example of this is, say you own a lawn mower and it is the best lawn mower you ever had, it cuts your lawn beautifully, it’s the perfect height, it’s quiet and is built tp last. You love everything about it, but there is one major problem, it runs on batteries and you can never finish your full lawn without having to recharge it. That a big problem for you. Now if you went to a trade show and saw a solution to that problem that would totally interest you and you would most likely buy that product.

Finding out what problem your product solves for your potential customers is a crucial step in the sales process. Make sure you do that.


Get your message out there! Why should people buy from you? What are the advantages of owning your product or buying your service? What are your strengths? Why should they trust your company over other companies?

Trust and agreement that is what your goal is – reviews, success stories help build that. The more your potential customer sees that other people are praising your companies product or service the more comfortable they feel in going with you.

Offer a good guarantee, show the customer you stand behind your product  or service 100%

Be human when talking to the customer, do not use a sales patter if you can not deliver it naturally, talk to the person and find out what they are interested and how you can truly help them. LISTEN to them and acknowledge them so they know you were listening to them and answer their questions always.

I know no one would ever do this 😉 but don’t  knock the competition, it’s petty and has nothing to do with the sales process.


Hopefully, you have collected a number of names that you can follow up with. After your trade show do your follow-up calls or emails in a timely manner, don’t be too pushy but do ask them if they would like a demonstration of your product or service or a more in-depth meeting to go over their needs and how your company could help.

No matter what the outcome of the initial follow-up is continue communicating to them by giving them useful information that they could use and you will be surprised at the results.

Related Tags: Trade Show Display Design